DIY Sleeveless Ruffle Top

Hey Everyone! Today I'm sharing a quick and easy make that is also my summer go-to top. I used the NewLook 6511 pattern to create a sleeveless top with a ruffled hem. Texan summers are no joke and for once I wanted to make something sleeveless that won't have me feeling sticky and icky when…

Exciting News: I Joined The Minerva Maker Team!

Today I am finally sharing on my blog one of my biggest accomplishments of 2019. I joined the Minerva Maker Team! Now what is a Minerva Maker? Minerva is an online fabric company (they also sell other crafts supplies) based in the UK and last summer they reached out to me to collaborate and become…

Yellow & Green Collection Recap: Will I Ever Create Another Collection?

After my long awaited debut of my final pieces for this collection, I wanted to recap the highs and lows of this venture and if this is something I would want to do again in the future. In my previous post where I introduced the idea of starting a collection, I talked about what inspired…

Yellow & Green Collection Piece #6: The Beaded Yellow Top

Somebody please cue Boyz 2 Men because we have finally come to the end of the road with this collection. The final piece is complete and I couldn't be more in love. I completed this yellow top earlier in the year and just getting around to blogging about it (whoops!). I used Simplicity 8602 in…

Yellow & Green Collection Piece #4: Simplicity 8642 Top

This year, I really wanted to challenge myself to try things that I would normally be afraid to commit to. One of those challenges was to do an Instagram sew along. If you are not familiar with a sew along, it is basically when a group of sewers online agree to work on a  specific…